Delivery from Adamo Estate Winery

A Winery Where you Least Expect Hockey is synonymous with winter and cold weather but every now and then you will come across hockey in an area that doesn't quite seem like it's supposed to be there this year there will be hockey wine up what this year Adamo Estate Winery will be the the... Continue Reading →

Nationalities of Hockey

The International Ice Hockey Federation has 83 member national associations. Here's how you say wine and how to order a glass in each country. *Translations and phonetic pronunciation are from Google Translate CountryLanguageWineI'll have a glass of wine.AlgeriaArabicخمر (Khamr)سآخذ كأس من النبيذ(sakhidh kas min alnabidh)AndorraCatalanViPrendré una copa de viArgentinaSpanishVinoTomaré una copa de vinoArmeniaArmenianգինիGiniԵս մի բաժակ... Continue Reading →

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